Thursday, January 26, 2006

Hey! I'm back!

Now the problem is I waited so long that I can't remember most of what's happened over the last few months.

School grades (term 1)...
Organic Chem 1...B
Biochemistry 1...C+
Sport Psychology...A+
Social Psychology...B+
Biology...B+ (so continues into this term)

Courses this term...
Oragnic Chem 2
Biochemistry 2
Biology cont.
Nutrition and Health
Leisure and Recreation

I've gotta say that I'm really tired of chemistry. If it wasn't for those courses I'd be loving the school life. 3 weeks until spring break! 2.5 months until school is over...for this year.

Got my Dental Aptitude Test results from last november. They were okay. Just okay. Total average was 17.7/30. Accepted dental students last year averaged 20.5. So, I'm taking it YET AGAIN in february!!! I also picked up a few books that should help and am taking a short course (2 weekends) on carving. In case I never mentioned it you have to carve soap as part of the test.

Non-school stuff...Shawna is looking for work. Delta Waterfowl moved their operation to Winnipeg and only kept one office person. Personally, I'm enjoying having her home. I don't have to worry about getting home early to pick up Max, so I have a little time to read/study. Max is doing awesome! He's really starting to pick up words here and there. One day as I was leaving I said "Bye Max, have fun today!" And out of nowhere he said "Have fun!" Blew me away! So, that's really cool. We're also moving again! Yay! You all know I can't stay in one place that long. We are renting a house so we can have a little more room for Max, a fenced backyard (Yes!), and a laundry room. You have no idea how much you miss being able to do laundry in your own home, until you have to drag it around once a week for a year and half.

That's all I can think of right now. Feel free to drop me a line y'all! You know where to reach me.
