Thursday, September 14, 2006

It's been a busy summer.

In May I went back to Calgary to work for the summer. Two or three weeks week off, so I could drive back to Manitoba and visit the family. Did that until the end of July. The work was fine and the people there were great, but it sucked to be away from Shawna and Max that much. Wasn't much fun for them either.

I was working nights while I was there, so I didn't get out too much. Shawna and Max came out for a week for a little vacation. While they were there we visited some friends, checked out the zoo, etc. I did get to go on a little hiking trip with Aaron in Waterton National Park before I came back to Manitoba. There was a nice trail to Mount Alderson and Alderson Lake, so, of course, I've always wanted to do that. It was a long hike...about 6 hours, but very cool. The lakes in the mountains are incredible. I've got some pictures of it all on the 'epson' website if you're interested.

I came back to Manitoba at the end of July to start a summer course in biochemistry. I took it last year, but needed to upgrade. However, after much thinking, I decided I couldn't hack these science courses anymore. I really did not enjoy them. And as you can imagine, it is very difficult to do well at something that you hate doing. Also, the prospect of doing these types of courses for the next 4 years in dentistry did not appeal to me very much. So, dentistry is out. Education is in! This year I will (hopefully) complete by bacherlor of arts, which will allow me to apply to Education. From there it is two more years of full time school, or 3 more years of 'weekend college'. I'm leaning towards 'weekend college', so I can work at the same time, but we'll see.

Also, in August, I started working at Citytv here in Portage. It was only supposed to be a day or two a week when I started, but its been full time so far. They are shutting the Portage station down at the end of January, so the people that work there now are understandably looking for other work and getting out while they can...thus the full time hours for me. So far, its okay. We'll see how it goes as I get back into school a little more.

By the way, I am taking all my courses this year by distance education which allows me to study around the work schedule.

Shawna is doing good. She found a job at Travel Quest. So, if you need to book a trip somewhere, give her a shout. She is enjoying it and the hours are great (day shifts).

Max is also great. He's talking a mile a minute and getting bigger all the time. He's statted repeating everything we say, so we have to be VERY careful now! He'll be 3 next month!

That's it for now. There's a long story I need to sandwich in there about having to transfer to the faculty of arts that I will post soon...its a big one!
