Thursday, September 09, 2004

First day of classes. 8:30am-11:15am. Chemistry followed immediately by Psychology. Starting next week I should also have a Biology Lab in the afternoon, but you have to have a lecture before you can have a lab. First biology lecture is tomorrow. Things went pretty well today. Squeezed into class just on time. For both classes most of the lecture consisted of an overview of what we'll be doing for the year. Should be the same thing tomorrow as I have English, Physics, and Biology for the first time. Psychology looks like it could be really fun. My professor was voted best teacher by the students last year, so that's a good sign. He greeted everyone at the door and shook their hands on their way in. He also did a little telepathy that I was involved in which was quite impressive. He had a deck of 50 cards consisting of 5 different 'suits'. He dealt them out to 10 people (5 cards each) and said that mathmatically we probably each have one pair of the same suit. He then proceeded to tell us what pair each of us was holding. He got 9 out of 10 correct. Apparently my mind is very easy to read, because he seemed to have the least trouble with me. Interesting trick to start off. There are almost 300 people in my Psychology class and close to the same in the Chemistry class.


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