Friday, October 01, 2004

I said I'd have something up and I do. What to say? School stuff...continues to be tough, but there are getting to be more days where I'm actually understanding what's going on. Got our first chemistry assignment back and scored 14/15. It was a multiple choice take home assignment, so I'm not putting too much stock in it. It was worth a whopping 2% of our final grade. I am now guaranteed to finish Chemistry with at least 2% (if they round up). This next week will be big. English essay on a poem is due monday...Psychology test on Physics test on wednesday! At first I thought English would be no big deal, but the time has come to actually write the essay which is proving to be more difficult than I thought. On another note, I've talked to some people in biology and chemistry and they are just as bewildered about some of the stuff as I am! Yay! I'm not alone!

Shawna has a job interview on monday at the local mall. Pay is low, but the hours are good and it is low stress, which is nice. And if I ever get my student loan in order we should be able to move out on our own! We have a line on a house to rent. It's a 3 bedroom and looks like a good size. It is expected that the people renting it will be putting in their notice in the next couple of weeks.

Max will be 1 on October 10th! His birthday party is planned for this sunday, however, because of the thanksgiving holiday. One year old! The last 9 months have really zipped by for us.

That's our story for now. If anyone's reading this, feel free to give us your story!


Blogger AvenueDave said...

Holy Crap, I got a comment! Good to hear from Tina! At least one other person is reading this. Hope all is well with you.

12:04 AM  

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