Sunday, March 27, 2005

Happy Easter!!

Shawna had friday off and gets monday off, too!! I'm so jealous! So what did we do with our super long weekend? Nothing too crazy. I had a ton of homework to do. Finished my last english essay (on Gulliver's Travels and Through the Looking Glass), finished a chemistry assignment, and finished a physics lab report. I managed to get all that done by saturday night, because we wanted to go see a movie. We went to see 'Guess Who'. It was a pretty standard movie. Had some laughs, ended predictably. We were just happy to get out and eat some movie popcorn. Shawna actually wanted to see 'Robots', but I wasn't interested. I wanted to see 'Million Dollar Baby', but Shawna hates Hilary Swank, so we had to compromise. Our niece Maria babysat for us for the first time and was entertained by Max's screaming for the first hour! He was really tired when we left and not too happy to see us going without him. Oh well, she braved it pretty well.

Today, sunday, we took Max for a walk. It was a beautiful day. Hopefully the weather stays this way. Apparently there was a huge snowstorm here last year in mid-May! Not really interested in that...not that I'll be here. When we got back I finished reading my last english novel, Coming Through Slaughter by Michael Ondattje. It's kind of a book version of a Quentin Tarantino movie. Nothing is in order, so it can be hard to follow. Probably wouldn't hurt to read it again. After that, we headed over to the grandparents place where the Unrau family was having Easter dinner. It was really good.

Now we are home relaxing and I'm waiting for my new second favourite tv show to come on...The Contender. It's a gooder!

So, what else to say? Here, in no particular order, are the 5 greatest FEMALE (since they didn't make my top 5 last week) bands/singers in the may commence heckling me immediately following the list...

1. Madonna
2. Janet Jackson
3. Gwen Stefani (No Doubt)
4. Shirley Manson (Garbage)
5. Edie Brickell

Hope you all had a great long weekend!

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Psychology Exam results...25/27 for 93%

The last exam has 39 questions on it. If I get 5 wrong or less I'll end up with an A+ for the year! Pressure's on.

The week was fairly uneventful. That about sums it up.

The Portage Terriers are playing the Neepawa Natives tonight in game one of the league semi-finals. You can check out the score here... Cause I know you want to know who wins.

So, what else to say? Here, in no particular order, are the 5 greatest bands/singers in the may commence heckling me immediately following the list...

1. Alice Cooper
2. Peter Gabriel
3. Tom Petty
4. David Lee Roth
5. Vince Neil (Motley Crue)

Monday, March 14, 2005

Max finally seems to be over his sickness and is eating like there's is no tomorrow. He must be making up for lost time. So, then it was Shawna's turn to be sick. I think she's pretty much better now, though. Guess I'm next.

Saturday Max stayed at his Grandma and Grandpa's while Shawna and I went to the winnipeg symphony. It was a violin vs. fiddle theme, with the uppity female violinest battling it out with the country bumpin fiddle player. It was pretty funny...almost like a play. The orchestra also played Bolero which is my favourite classical piece. The last time I went to the symphony they played it, too, which is really weird because I've only been twice.

Psychology exam tomorrow! The fun never ends people! 6 weeks to go. I am really looking forward to this first year being over now. I'm enjoying the classes, but you can't turn it off when you go home like I could with work. There is always more studying or assignments to do at home. It's a grind.

Portage won their first round series vs. OCN 4 games to 2. They will play Dauphin or Neepawa next.

Next big fight...Jean-Marc Mormeck vs. Wayne Braithwaite for the cruiserweight championship. This is the same division that Dale Brown (from Calgary) is in. He has also lost to both these fighters. I actually met Dale Brown's mother once, which was weird. I went to one of the boxing gyms in Calgary a couple of years back when I was on one of my many short term kicks to get myself in better shape. She was running the gym and introduced herself to me. I asked if she was related to Dale Brown and of course she said yes. Then I started talking about Donnie Lalonde (famous winnipeg boxer) who used to manage Dale and the conversation quickly ended after that. Apparently they don't get along very well anymore! Didn't see her around the gym much after that.

That's it. Psychology exam results soon.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Chemistry Exam final results...

Multiple Choice 15/25 = 60%
Long Answer 26.5/30 = 88%

Total = 74% for a B+

Sunday, March 06, 2005


Exams sucked, kind of. They were stressful, but only because I leave everything to the last minute and freak myself out. Biology...studied for this one more than all the others and more than I'd studied for my other biology exams, so I was pretty confident going in and felt good writing the exam. Never trust your feelings. 25/40 for 63% on that one. I was thinking it would be mid 70s range. So, I'll need an 80% (96/120) to score a B for the course. That will be tough, but I'm gonna give it a shot. Chemistry...took an exam prep seminar a few weeks before the exam, studied hard for about 2 days prior to the exam and once again felt good going in. 15/25 for 60% on the multiple choice portion (which is worth 50% of the total mark). Pretty disappointed in this one, too. But, I'm hoping the long answer portion of the exam will bring my mark up. We haven't gotten that part back yet. Results when I get em. Physics!, I was really freaked about this one! My prof is almost impossible to understand (he's east indian with a speech impediment...i'm not kidding). Had a physics exam prep seminar the saturday before the exam, studied hard the day of the exam and benefitted from some gimme questions to get 15/20 for 75%. Pretty happy with that considering everything. Due to my prof's unintelligibleness I'm gonna take some extra physics classes on monday nights from now on. But have I learned that I need to start studying earlier and maybe do some of the problems they suggest? Time will tell...time will tell. You'd think I'd know better by now wouldn't you? I can still get at least a B+ in those three subject which is my goal.

For those of you that haven't heard, it appears that Pyramid Productions is crazy enought to agree to take me back for awhile when my first year of school is done! I'm pretty excited about this, but I know I will miss my family terribly. Shawna and Max will stay back in Manitoba to work as well (technically only Shawna will be working). I'll probably take a weekend trip home about half way through my term there. Last day of classes is April 11th. Last day of exams is April 21st. So, I'll have a couple of weeks at home before coming out to Calgary.

Shawna got a raise at her current job now that her probation is up! Yay! Max had a little earache relapse, so he's back to not being 100%. The Portage Terriers are currently tied 1-1 in their first round playoff series vs. OCN. Kurt Warner (football) has signed with the Arizona Cardinals (he's awesome). Watched 'Around the World in 80 Days' on friday...meh. That's about it...same time next week (or sooner if I get chemistry results).