Saturday, October 09, 2004

Is anyone tired of my school rants? Well, that's my life now! Not much else to talk about. The english essay got done and I think I did okay. I will guess a B-. We'll find out this wednesday. Actually the english prof reemed us all out today. He has marked half the essays and is "very disappointed" so far. He quoted some lines from one of the poor essays (thankfully not mine). That's my reasoning for the B- guess. My essay wasn't nearly as bad as the one he was quoting. Got the results from our first psychology exam...24/27. That's 89% for those of you without calculators. Psychology has an interesting final grade system. There are a total of 200 multiple choice questions all year long that are split up into about 6 exams. Each correct question scores you 1/2 a percentage point. So, I've got 12% total in psychology, so far! There is also an opportunity to gain an extra 7% by participating in psychology experiments with the grad students...they promised that it will be nothing weird! Anyway, you can end up with 93% total on the exams, do the experiments, and get 100% total. Get it? Good. The mini physics test wasn't too bad, but I've got to study it more. Bruce, where are you!?! We're actually only covering stuff that was done in grade 12 physics, but I find I have to practice alot of the problems to stay good at it...or I forget. MUST DO HOMEWORK! Also got back the results of our first chemistry lab and got 19/20 on that. Now that one I pulled out of my ass. Just from looking at these scores so far you'd think that I'm doing pretty well. But, honestly, I'm hanging on for dear life and seem to be good at dodging bullets. Psychology is the only subject I'm truly confident in. English...semi-confident (we'll see how esay 1 turns out). The sciences...blah! OKAY, enough about this crap!

Max's birthday party last weekend was a smashing success! Thanks, especially, to his mom, of course! She baked cakes and cookies and a lasagna lunch for the 20 or so people on hand! Ain't she something? And Max had a good time! We thought he'd be freaking out with all the people around, but he was great. He tore some paper on his presents (he LOVES paper) and really seemed to like the toys he got.

Shawna has another job interview tomorrow with Superstore in Winnipeg. The store is directly across from the university, so that would be awesome if the money's okay and we can find an apartment around there. The mall job interview previously mentioned was for a possible upcoming position, so she continues to hunt for something concrete.

Hey! I won a radio contest the other day! From Bob FM. If you're in Calgary or Edmonton, it's the same as Jack FM. Every morning I make the hour long drive into Winnipeg and listen to the morning show. Here's the trivia question...see if you know the answer...

On 'Who's the Boss?' Tony used to play baseball for the St. Louis Cardinals before becoming a housekeeper. What postion did he play?

Answer...2nd base!

Yes, I am a loser to have known that...and probably twice the loser for calling in and admitting I know that, but hey it was first name only, so what the hell. For my trouble I received 2 tickets to a comedy club and a movie pass. Freebies for poor people! That's what its all about!

Alright, people, this is the second essay I've written this week, so I'm going to stop now. Have a good thanksgiving weekend!


Blogger AvenueDave said...

So far, I'm too lazy to go to the manitobadave e-mail. It's such a pain to get everybody else aware of it...then you gotta check both e-mails to make sure, etc, etc. Someday, though, the switch will have to be made. Maybe I should go to! That should cover me whereever I go.

11:44 PM  

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