Sunday, October 31, 2004

It's Halloween so what better time for the announcement of my ugly exam results! Here we go...

Physics...12/20 or 60%
This exam is worth 20% of our final grade. It was especially disappointing because I walked out thinking I probably had 15/20 and had a shot at 17/20 (it was multiple choice). One stupid mistake, but the other wrong answers I have no excuse for...must study more.

Chemistry...32/45 or 71%
This exam is also worth 20% of our final grade (i think). Doesn't 32/45 sound better than 71%? Not too bad. About what I expected. Most of the wrong answers came on the material that was most recently covered, so I hadn't really got a handle on it yet.

Monday is the Biology exam. Dun dun dunnnnn!
Thursday is a Psychology test (mini-exam).
Next monday we have an english essay due.

So, there is no time to rest.

In other news, Max dressed up as a cow for halloween! He was very cute of course. I should have pictures up on the website by the end of next week. Shawna and I have found an apartment and have possession on nov. 15th! Yay! It's a pretty good size for the money. 2 bdrm...1 bath...separate dining area...huge balcony (big enough for a bbq and our outdoor table and chairs)...small storage area. So, we're really happy we found it, considering some of the tiny and/or extremely expensive places we saw. Now, we just have to find a way to pay for it! This week, I was also turned down for a student loan for the 3rd time! They still believe I owned my rav4 (i was leasing) and made a huge profit on it! Apparently the documentation they requested, and I sent, was still not enough proof that I am B-R-O-K-E! So, I sent a very angry e-mail detailing my 3 month quest to get a loan and they actually phoned me to talk about it! I was shocked! However, they still require more evidence about the rav4, so I'm hassling more people (dealerships, toyota canada) to work this out. Someday I'll get my cash!!!!

That's about it for now. I've got to get back to the exciting world of biology! Wish me luck!

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Time for another post...

Shawna has now completed her first week of work and it seems to be going well. She actually opened the store today by herself, so they don't give you long before they throw you into the fire there.

Still waiting for my student loan to come through. Hopefully sometime this week. Looks like we'll try and get a place on our own for december 1st.

That physics lab I predicted I did horrible on...turns out I was right! Yay!! 3.5/10, so even worse than I thought. But that doesn't bother me as much as the exam coming up on tuesday. 20 multiple choice questions worth 20% of our final grade, so its pretty important. I've been studying for the last couple of days, but should have been studying all along. You think I would have learned by now, huh?

Also, this wednesday, is my chemistry exam followed by a biology exam a week from monday.

However, because the exams are multiple choice, they tell you immediately afterwards what the answers are, so you know what you got. Which means, I could have some interesting stuff for next weekend to write. Or...I may curl into a ball and never be heard from again!

Therefore, this is the end of this post. Back to the books!

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Hey Y'all! Things are good here in snow city! Yes, it snowed last wednesday...and off and on since. It hasn't stayed yet though, so that's a plus. School stuff.... My prediction on the english essay B- was pretty close, I ended up with a B. Only 3 people out of 48 got an A, so I'll take it and run. Not alot of other marks or anything to report. I can tell you that I bombed on my physics lab last week! We'll get the results on wednesday, but I would hope for a 5 out of 10 on that one. It was my own damn fault. They explained everything about the experiment in the beginning of the class, but didn't leave the info on the board like I thought they would, so I became lost and rather than swallow my pride and beg for help, I plodded through and stuck something together. My rationale is that this report is worth 3% of our final grade...therefore if I get 5 out of 10 on it...I'll only lose 1.5%. I can live with that...this time.

This past weekend the Unrau's had their family thanksgiving dinner which was nice. Including the kids, there were 13 of us.

We never did make it to the comedy club or movie last week. Things came up and I wasn't really up for staying in Winnipeg from 8am-midnight on friday for the comedy show.

Max is a crawiling machine! Have I mentioned that he is crawling now? And he is pulling himself up to his knees to check things out.

Shawna is now officially employed! The superstore in winnipeg wanted to hire her, but it was only part time so she declined. She ended up getting full time work at the local Warehouse One in Portage. She gets a discount so, everybody's getting jeans for Christmas! She starts on monday. Which means Max will be going to daycare off and on from now on depending on how mine and Shawna's schedules match.

That's it! Mid-term exams in two weeks, so it's time to bear down and actually learn the stuff I've been taking notes on for a month and a half.


Saturday, October 09, 2004

Is anyone tired of my school rants? Well, that's my life now! Not much else to talk about. The english essay got done and I think I did okay. I will guess a B-. We'll find out this wednesday. Actually the english prof reemed us all out today. He has marked half the essays and is "very disappointed" so far. He quoted some lines from one of the poor essays (thankfully not mine). That's my reasoning for the B- guess. My essay wasn't nearly as bad as the one he was quoting. Got the results from our first psychology exam...24/27. That's 89% for those of you without calculators. Psychology has an interesting final grade system. There are a total of 200 multiple choice questions all year long that are split up into about 6 exams. Each correct question scores you 1/2 a percentage point. So, I've got 12% total in psychology, so far! There is also an opportunity to gain an extra 7% by participating in psychology experiments with the grad students...they promised that it will be nothing weird! Anyway, you can end up with 93% total on the exams, do the experiments, and get 100% total. Get it? Good. The mini physics test wasn't too bad, but I've got to study it more. Bruce, where are you!?! We're actually only covering stuff that was done in grade 12 physics, but I find I have to practice alot of the problems to stay good at it...or I forget. MUST DO HOMEWORK! Also got back the results of our first chemistry lab and got 19/20 on that. Now that one I pulled out of my ass. Just from looking at these scores so far you'd think that I'm doing pretty well. But, honestly, I'm hanging on for dear life and seem to be good at dodging bullets. Psychology is the only subject I'm truly confident in. English...semi-confident (we'll see how esay 1 turns out). The sciences...blah! OKAY, enough about this crap!

Max's birthday party last weekend was a smashing success! Thanks, especially, to his mom, of course! She baked cakes and cookies and a lasagna lunch for the 20 or so people on hand! Ain't she something? And Max had a good time! We thought he'd be freaking out with all the people around, but he was great. He tore some paper on his presents (he LOVES paper) and really seemed to like the toys he got.

Shawna has another job interview tomorrow with Superstore in Winnipeg. The store is directly across from the university, so that would be awesome if the money's okay and we can find an apartment around there. The mall job interview previously mentioned was for a possible upcoming position, so she continues to hunt for something concrete.

Hey! I won a radio contest the other day! From Bob FM. If you're in Calgary or Edmonton, it's the same as Jack FM. Every morning I make the hour long drive into Winnipeg and listen to the morning show. Here's the trivia question...see if you know the answer...

On 'Who's the Boss?' Tony used to play baseball for the St. Louis Cardinals before becoming a housekeeper. What postion did he play?

Answer...2nd base!

Yes, I am a loser to have known that...and probably twice the loser for calling in and admitting I know that, but hey it was first name only, so what the hell. For my trouble I received 2 tickets to a comedy club and a movie pass. Freebies for poor people! That's what its all about!

Alright, people, this is the second essay I've written this week, so I'm going to stop now. Have a good thanksgiving weekend!

Friday, October 01, 2004

I said I'd have something up and I do. What to say? School stuff...continues to be tough, but there are getting to be more days where I'm actually understanding what's going on. Got our first chemistry assignment back and scored 14/15. It was a multiple choice take home assignment, so I'm not putting too much stock in it. It was worth a whopping 2% of our final grade. I am now guaranteed to finish Chemistry with at least 2% (if they round up). This next week will be big. English essay on a poem is due monday...Psychology test on Physics test on wednesday! At first I thought English would be no big deal, but the time has come to actually write the essay which is proving to be more difficult than I thought. On another note, I've talked to some people in biology and chemistry and they are just as bewildered about some of the stuff as I am! Yay! I'm not alone!

Shawna has a job interview on monday at the local mall. Pay is low, but the hours are good and it is low stress, which is nice. And if I ever get my student loan in order we should be able to move out on our own! We have a line on a house to rent. It's a 3 bedroom and looks like a good size. It is expected that the people renting it will be putting in their notice in the next couple of weeks.

Max will be 1 on October 10th! His birthday party is planned for this sunday, however, because of the thanksgiving holiday. One year old! The last 9 months have really zipped by for us.

That's our story for now. If anyone's reading this, feel free to give us your story!