Sunday, October 24, 2004

Time for another post...

Shawna has now completed her first week of work and it seems to be going well. She actually opened the store today by herself, so they don't give you long before they throw you into the fire there.

Still waiting for my student loan to come through. Hopefully sometime this week. Looks like we'll try and get a place on our own for december 1st.

That physics lab I predicted I did horrible on...turns out I was right! Yay!! 3.5/10, so even worse than I thought. But that doesn't bother me as much as the exam coming up on tuesday. 20 multiple choice questions worth 20% of our final grade, so its pretty important. I've been studying for the last couple of days, but should have been studying all along. You think I would have learned by now, huh?

Also, this wednesday, is my chemistry exam followed by a biology exam a week from monday.

However, because the exams are multiple choice, they tell you immediately afterwards what the answers are, so you know what you got. Which means, I could have some interesting stuff for next weekend to write. Or...I may curl into a ball and never be heard from again!

Therefore, this is the end of this post. Back to the books!


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