Sunday, October 17, 2004

Hey Y'all! Things are good here in snow city! Yes, it snowed last wednesday...and off and on since. It hasn't stayed yet though, so that's a plus. School stuff.... My prediction on the english essay B- was pretty close, I ended up with a B. Only 3 people out of 48 got an A, so I'll take it and run. Not alot of other marks or anything to report. I can tell you that I bombed on my physics lab last week! We'll get the results on wednesday, but I would hope for a 5 out of 10 on that one. It was my own damn fault. They explained everything about the experiment in the beginning of the class, but didn't leave the info on the board like I thought they would, so I became lost and rather than swallow my pride and beg for help, I plodded through and stuck something together. My rationale is that this report is worth 3% of our final grade...therefore if I get 5 out of 10 on it...I'll only lose 1.5%. I can live with that...this time.

This past weekend the Unrau's had their family thanksgiving dinner which was nice. Including the kids, there were 13 of us.

We never did make it to the comedy club or movie last week. Things came up and I wasn't really up for staying in Winnipeg from 8am-midnight on friday for the comedy show.

Max is a crawiling machine! Have I mentioned that he is crawling now? And he is pulling himself up to his knees to check things out.

Shawna is now officially employed! The superstore in winnipeg wanted to hire her, but it was only part time so she declined. She ended up getting full time work at the local Warehouse One in Portage. She gets a discount so, everybody's getting jeans for Christmas! She starts on monday. Which means Max will be going to daycare off and on from now on depending on how mine and Shawna's schedules match.

That's it! Mid-term exams in two weeks, so it's time to bear down and actually learn the stuff I've been taking notes on for a month and a half.



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