Thursday, December 23, 2004

Hey Y'all!

What can I tell you about life in general...

I've been enjoying my time off. I'm a temporary stay-at-home dad. It's actually been pretty fun for the most part. Max was really sick about a week ago. Must have had a flu or something. He was very lethargic and content to just sit in your arms all day. Eventually his temperature went up to 102.5 and we took him into the hospital to make sure everything was okay. And it was. The next day his temperature was down and within a couple of days he was back to his normal self.

Christmas is 2 days away and I think we are pretty much ready. Just have to pick up a few things for Max's stocking and that's it. Friday we are going to one of the local churches to do some caroling...yes, I can sing! Then we are off to my sister's place later that night for some drinks and games. Christmas day we'll do our own thing with the 3 of us before heading over to Shawna's parents for lunch, etc. We'll probably hang out over there most of the day. For Christmas dinner we are going to Shawna's aunt and uncle's. There'll probably be 20-30 people for dinner. My side of the family is having Christmas with my sister's in-laws. Boxing day we are having brunch with Shawna's family, then its off to my mom's for dinner! So, technically its all planned out..we'll see if it all WORKS out!

Shawna continues to enjoy her job. They had their Christmas party/dinner last night. It was pretty good. Seems like she works with some really nice people. They are talking about moving their base of operations into Winnipeg within the next year. This will coincide nicely with our move-once-a-year plan!

Oh! We are also getting a visit from our former pooch, Rocky, around Christmas. The family we gave him to in Lethbridge are coming home to Portage for Christmas, so that will be nice. I wonder if he'll recognize us?

That's it! Hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Great New Year!


Blogger AvenueDave said...

No, we gave away Rocky to a family we know in Lethbridge about 2-3 months before we moved. We knew he wouldn't be getting alot of attention once we moved with Shawna working and me being in school all day, so we figured he'd be better off. Don't worry...he is just as spoiled as he used to be!

10:09 AM  

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