Sunday, January 02, 2005

Happy Frickin' New Year! I'm trying to keep it clean...I'm a dad y'know. Shawna's sister and brother-in-law were kind enough to get us tickets to a new year's party for christmas, so that is where we were last friday night. It was a pretty good time. We hadn't done a new years eve party for quite a few years, so when the countdown began it was kind of funny. You know...3...2...1...It's the next day!!!! Hurray!!!! I never really 'got' new years. Just an excuse to party I guess. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Today Shawna and I got into winnipeg on our own and went to a movie. We saw Ocean's 12 and I can't really recommend it. Too many holes and not much new in this one. And I'm normally someone who will overlook the little things and just enjoy the movie, so you know it wasn't great.

What else...we did get to see our old dog, the Rock, last week! He and his new family were visiting my sister, so I dropped by to see him. And he remembered me! In fact he was going a little crazy with excitement! The kids from his new family had never seen him that excited before. So, I borrowed him for about an hour and took him home to see Shawna and Max. He went crazy again with Shawna, inspected our entire apartment as quickly as possible, then jumped up onto the arm of the couch where he used to sleep and curled up like he'd never been gone! It was pretty fun for us. If you're interested there are pics of this and more up on the epson website.

Some of you may have heard or know about the insane amount of show we've gotten in the last 3 days. I think it's between 30-35cms. Something ridiculous like that. So, the last few days I've had alot of fun shoveling the driveway. Calgary...I miss you.

2 more days off until school starts again. I've really enjoyed the time off, but didn't nearly get everything done I wanted to. I had grand plans of reading ahead in textbooks and getting a huge jump on this term, but you know how it is. Christmas, Max, and some good old fashioned laziness conspired against me. But, I do still have 2 days right!?!?

That's it for now. Hope you all had a nice holiday!


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