Saturday, January 08, 2005

Hey Everybody!

Not much new this week. I went back to school...Max went back to his babysitters (unwillingly)...and Shawna went back to work after her mini new years break.

School is fine so far. I'm doing alot more of the assigned readings so far in an effort to get everything to sink in better. So far, so good.

Shawna had a little wipe out in the car last week and ended up in the ditch. No one was hurt and the car was fine. She wasn't going very fast due to the conditions and there were plenty of people around to help out, which was nice.

Max continues to manouver around the furniture, but hasn't taken his first steps away from it yet. Yesterday he had a doctor's appointment and weighed in at 26 pounds! Boom! He is also doing alot more immitating and babbling.

That's the story! Give me a shout if you haven't know who you are!


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