Sunday, January 30, 2005

Hey! Not much going on for the past week. Same old same old, y'know? Except for Max being sick, that is. He was really congested and breathing hard last tuesday night. We took him to the hospital 4 times over the next 2 days. They needed to put a mask on him and give him some ventolin to help clear him up. Thankfully, it seems to have cleared up. He never slowed down the whole time, though.

English essay will be back tomorrow. Shouldn't be good. I took a practice DAT (dental aptitude test) on the weekend and didn't do too hot. However, it was midnight and I was answering the questions as fast as I could, because I was tired and wanted to go to bed. There was alot of biology/chemistry questions where I didn't know what they were talking about simply because we haven't taken the stuff, yet. So, what do I take from this? Not much. Like I said before, the february test is just a tune-up for november.

Last week the university had a bunch of keynote speakers come in and I had the pleasure of listening to some stories from Bob Ezrin. For those of you who don't know...Bob Ezrin helped create Alice Cooper and produced around a dozen of his albums. He also produced some Pink Floyd including 'The Wall'...Kiss' 'Destroyer'...and Peter Gabriel's first solo album. So, that was interesting. I asked him why it is so difficult for these guys to get current radio play when they are still doing great stuff and he responded that 'radio is crap these days'. And I had to agree. Any new stuff on the radio sounds the same as all the rest. He further said that that is the reason for decreasing cd sales...not downloading. Anyway, it was interesting.

That's it. Later.


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