Sunday, January 23, 2005

It's been two weeks since my last post! But, I have a good excuse. Last weeekend Shawna and I were sick. Really sick. Max wasn't doing too hot either, but not nearly as bad as we got. We both woke up about an hour apart on thursday night and it was all downhill from there. We never made it to work/school on friday and weren't feeling better until sunday. It's all over now, though!

So, during that time we got a package of toys sent to us from my sister's brother-in-law and his family! Isn't that great of them? Their kids had outgrown them, so they were kind enough to send them to us! And, of course, Max is loving them all! Many thanks go out to them!

School wise...I completed my third english essay. I hate writing essays. Have I mentioned that? It is a comparison of the circumstances of forgivenss in the plays "The Tempest" and "The Importance of Being Earnest". Intriguing, isn't it?! Maybe you've seen the "Earnest" movie...that's the first thing I did when I found out we had to read it. I DID also read the play, though! They are slightly different. Otherwise, I've just been plugging away. Looking forward to spring break! Feb.14-18!! Oh, I also have my Dental Aptitude Test on Feb. 19th. It consists of a carving dexterity test (we have to carve shapes out of soap!), perceptual ability test, reading ability/comprehension test, and a biology/chemistry exam. I'm not expecting much because I'm only halfway through the biology and chemistry courses at school. However, there is another test next november that I can take if I do horribly on this one. So, I'm not too worried about it. I'm mostly taking this one to just get an idea of what I'll have to do in the november test. But, who knows? Maybe I'll get lucky and do really well!

That's about it. Shawna and Max are well. We took him out in a sled today for the first time. He seemed to enjoy that. Still no walking.



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