Sunday, February 06, 2005

One more week to spring break! I can't wait to spend a week lying around in sunny Portage! ...okay, maybe it's not everyone's dream vacation, but I'll take it!

School news...

Latest English essay results...B...I will take that one and RUN! As you know, I hate essays, so a B or better is fine with me.

Latest Psychology exam results...A+ (93%)...Obviously very happy with this one. Especially considering I thought the exam was a week later than it actually was and I didn't find out about it until 2 days before it happened!

My biology, physics, and chemistry exams are at the end of feb and beginning of march. They will be much harder than english and psychology.

Home news...

Not too much. Max is good. Shawna is good. The weather is okay (its winter in manitoba). We took Max for his first 'swim' at a hotel in winnipeg this weekend. Wow, did he hate it!! It was not a good scene at all! As soon as I handed him to Shawna in the pool it was all over. Wouldn't stop crying until he was out. I guess he's not a water person. Neither am I. I can't swim, yet, so if somebody put me in a pool that I couldn't touch the bottom in, I'd probably cry, too. He was more comfortable in the kiddie pool, but not enjoying it either. Oh well, we gave it a shot!


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