Monday, June 20, 2005

Back from Calgary after 6 weeks of gruelling work! Okay, it wasn't that bad. Had a good time there and will miss everybody, but it's nice to be home again. The last couple of weeks kind of sucked weather wise...rained pretty much every day. There was alot of flooding south of Calgary in High River and Okotoks, and the day I left Calgary was preparing for some flooding too. The drive home was hard rain all the way to Moose Jaw...then it was clear sailing.

It's crazy hot in Manitoba. 31 on saturday, but 40 with the humidity. Shawna's parents were kind enough to give us an air conditioner they weren't using...thank god! Didn't do too much saturday. Sunday we went to the Unrau's for dinner after making a quick trip to the park with Max.

Not much planned for this week so far. I should try and get into the university to see about a summer class. That's about it. Later.


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