Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Had my first summer physics class yesterday and will be given that lab exemption I was talking about last week. So, I guess this means I have to start studying again! The mid term test is on July 15th in the morning. I'll have to write that and get the hell out of there, because we are leaving for Calgary/Banff that day for Laura's wedding. Final exam is on July 28th, the day before my sister comes to visit from Ontario. The timing worked out pretty well on that part. She'll be here for about a week enjoying sunny Portage la Prairie.

First and second hockey games of the summer are this friday and sunday. I'm really looking forward to it, but I've got some equipment problems. I only played hockey once last winter and never bothered to air my stuff out after that. Which isn't really the BIG problem. The real trouble began, I think, when I put it outside this spring and covered it with our BBQ cover, thinking that it would protect it from the rain, etc. ...Guess not. Opened it up yesterday and everything was soaked and just pretty gross generally. Spots of mold on some stuff...skates in rough shape. It's currently sitting on the balcony getting a much needed drying out. I'll have to see how it fares in the next day or two. Hopefully everything will be okay and I won't have to buy anything new.

Max's first swimming lesson is today. Lessons officially began yesterday, but because I was at school we had to miss the first one. Should be nice a nice day for it. After today it's supposed to be 30ish all week with a high of 34 on sunday.

We did some camping at the beach in St. Ambroise last weekend which was a pretty good time. Max loved playing in the sand and letting the waves roll over his feet on shore. However, as the weekend went on he got crankier and crankier. Too much playing and not enough sleep. The day we got home he took a 3 and a half hour nap, then went to bed about and hour and a half earlier then usual.

And finally Shawna and I got some tickets for the Robert Plant concert when he comes to Winnipeg in September. Looking forward to that. We've never seen him or, of course, Led Zeppelin before. The guy's an icon, so it should be a fun night. It will also give us a chance to check out the MTS Centre where he's playing. That's the new arena the city decided to build for the Manitoba Moose, but wouldn't build it for the Jets. Yes, I'm still bitter! :-)



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